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MKS Mini Servo HV9780

Total: 0.00


Torque: 3.3 kg-cm (6.0V) │ 4.0 kg-cm  (7.4V) │ 4.5 kg-cm (8.2V)

Speed: 0.055 s (6.0V)  │  0.045 s (7.4V) │ 0.040 s (8.2V)

Weight: 38.01 g

Dimensions:35.5 x 15 x 28.5 mm   
Operating Voltage:6.0 ~ 8.4 V DC Volts  ( 2S Lipo un-regulated )
Working frequence:760μs / 560hz
Dead band: (Default)
Bearing Type:2BB   
Motor Type:Coreless Motor
Gear Type:Chrome-Titanium alloy gear

Suitable Gyros:

Spartan DS760、Spartan Quark、Futaba GY611、GY601、GY520、ALIGN GP700、GP750、Mikado V-Bar Tail、CSM SL720、Curtis Youngblood Mini-G 、Solid G、Thunder Tiger TG-7000、BeastX Mircobeast

Very Important:

1. Do not use hands, tool or horn to turn the output gear directly when power is on or off. This will most probably cause internal damage
2. Do not apply higher voltage than as specified. This can also cause internal damage.